나주 금성관(羅州錦城館) Geumseong Gwan
2014. 9. 16. 00:04ㆍLANDSCAPE
Naju Eupseong, through which a creek called Najucheon flows, became an important administrative unit called Naju-mok in 983. Numerous remains from the Goryeo Dynasty (918-1392) stand along its banks including many ramparts.
Two big gates called Namgomun and Dongjeommun were restored in 1993 and 2006, giving us some insight as to what Naju Eupseong may have looked like as a castle area during the Goryeo period.
Back then, Geumseong Gwan was the largest lodging facility in the nation, and Geumhak Heon was the main building of the residence of the chief of Naju-mok. Both are now open as accommodations.
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