구멍탄 holed coal briquette

2015. 10. 14. 23:07LANDSCAPE

There are lots of other ways of putting it
but it's as if what we call life
means becoming a coal briquette
for someone other than myself.
From the day the floors first feel chilly till the following spring,
the loveliest thing on all the roads of Korea
is the briquette truck chugging
its way up steep inclines with all its might.
I eat piping hot rice and soup every day,
but it's as if I had not realized that once the flame has caught hold,
each briquette grows scorching hot,
seeming to know just what's required of it.
It's as if I have been unable to become a briquette for anyone so far
because I was afraid of the way, once love has caught fully hold
all that remains is a sorry handful of ash?

On careful thought,
it's as if what we call life
is pulverizing me
in order to make a safe path where someone other than myself
can walk at ease on slippery mornings after snow has fallen
and I had failed to realize that.

또 다른 말도 많고 많지만
나 아닌 그 누구에게
기꺼이 연탄 한 장 되는 것
방구들 선들선들해지는 날부터 이듬해 봄까지
조선팔도 거리에서 제일 아름다운 것은
연탄차가 부릉부릉
힘쓰며 언덕길을 오르는 거라네
해야 할 일이 무엇인가를 알고 있다는듯이
연탄은, 일단 제몸에 불이 옮겨 붙었다 하면
하염없이 뜨거워지는 것
매일 따스한 밥과 국물 퍼먹으면서도 몰랐네
온 몸으로 사랑하고
한 덩이 재로 쓸쓸하게 남는 게 두려워
여태껏 나는 그 누구에게 연탄 한 장도 되지 못하였네

나를 산산이 으깨는 일
눈내려 세상이 미끄러운 어느 이른 아침에
나 아닌 그 누가 마음 놓고 걸어갈
그 길을 만들 줄도 몰랐었네, 나는
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