채상장거리 Ch'aesangjang street, Traditional Weaving Bamboo Basketry Art. 2019.11.19
대숲 Bamboo forest 2019.11.19
메타세쿼이어길 Metasequoia Path 2019.11.18
칠산대교 The Chilsan bridge
The Chilsan Bridge that links The Hyanghwado Island to The Doripo habour.
2019.09.16 -
세방낙조 Twilight of Sebang Nakjo
Sebang Nakjo is located at the southernmost end of Korea. Creating splendid evening twilight scenery, the 154 islets turn into black silhouettes when the sun sets. 양덕도(발가락섬), 주지도(손가락섬), 장도, 소장도, 당구도, 사자섬, 혈도, 가사도, 불도, 가덕도, 상갈도, 하갈도 등 20여 개의 섬이 앞바다에 점점이 떠 있는 섬들..
2019.05.20 -
복호항 Bokho-port in Anjwa Island 2019.04.05